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【大笔书盛世 翰墨展风华】 中国当代艺术名家——黄羡


Huang Xian, formerly known as Huang Guopei, is a native of Fujian Xianyou, a researcher at Fujian Museum, and a inheritor of Chinese painting. Director of the National Outreach Department of China Internet Alliance,The director of the New Literature and Art Group Working Committee of the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Association was edified by Professor Huang Xi, who taught at Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts since childhood. He graduated from China Academy of Art (formerly Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts (Department of Chinese Painting) in 1980, and then worked in Fujian Museum.



In 1986, he studied calligraphy and painting identification with masters such as Xie Zhiliu, Qi Gong and Liu Jiu 'an to improve his appreciation ability.


In 1991, with the approval of the Ministry of Culture, he successfully held a solo exhibition in Singapore Friendship Exhibition Hall, and held solo exhibitions and joint exhibitions in and outside the province. In China Academy of Art Publishing House, Tianjin People's Fine Arts Publishing House, Fujian Fine Arts Publishing House and Haichao Photographic Art Publishing House, there are personal paintings such as Huang Xian Ink Painting, Contemporary Art Master Huang Xian, etc., and nearly ten kinds of works such as previous painting theories and art documents such as Eighteen Paintings by Professor Huang Xi-Textbook of China Academy of Art, Huang Binhong's Forbidden City, etc. He was awarded the "Achievement Award of the National Essence of Chinese Painting" in the "Chen Banding Art Award" (2021), and the honorary title of "Master of National Ceremony Art" of the belt and road initiative, a national porcelain handed down from ancient times (2018).


黄羡擅水墨人物画,有古典和现代两种题材。因受其父古典人物技法影响以及常年在博物馆工作,所以一种以历史典故、古诗画意为主;另一种画以到祖国边陲各地写生旅行感受。其早年到大西北一路考察学.以及在敦煌参观临摹研究,后来跟随名师学书画鉴定,对其艺术的成就甚有影响。其作品形像生动,境界高远,笔墨精到抒发情感,恰到好处,继承发展了传统写意人物人物画.。拓展了水墨艺术表现深度和广度,画面耳目一新,以最本真的笔墨展示艺术 。

Huang Xian is good at ink figure painting, with classical and modern themes. Influenced by the techniques of his father's classical characters and working in museums all the year round, one is mainly based on historical allusions and ancient poetry; Another kind of painting takes the feeling of sketching and traveling to the border areas of the motherland. In his early years, he visited and studied all the way to northwest China, visited Dunhuang to study copying, and later studied painting and calligraphy appraisal with famous teachers, which had a great influence on his artistic achievements. His works are vivid in image, lofty in realm, precise in pen and ink to express emotion, just right, and inherit and develop traditional freehand figure paintings. It expands the depth and breadth of ink painting art expression, and the picture is refreshing, showing art with the most authentic ink.



Selected comments of famous teachers:


Mr. Huang Xian's works are ingenious, vivid in appearance and lofty in realm. His pen and ink are precise in expressing emotions, showing art with the truest pen and ink, and embodying life with the truest art. He found a breakthrough in brushwork and ink, which made his works more stereoscopic, ornamental and distinctive. It provides an important enlightenment for the development of Chinese painting and a new language standard for the creative methods of Chinese painting circles.

单国強 故宫博物院研究员

Researcher at the Palace Museum in Dan Guoqiang


Realistic but not complicated, focusing on vivid; It's love to splash ink without blame.


Xue Yongnian (Professor of Central Academy of Fine Arts, Doctoral Supervisor, Director of Chinese Artists Association, Director of Theoretical Committee)

1998年国培(黃羨)曾结集出版一画集,可以看出他毕业后"艺术有很大发展,造型生动笔墨酣畅,笔力颇有力度。"(中国美院教授顾生岳语)封面《驼铃》更是- -幅"造型与笔墨俱佳"的作品。(中国美术馆刘曦林语)从画集中也可以看出国培受学院派水墨的影响与广为取法的艺术面貌。

In 1998, Guo Pei (Huang Xian) published a collection of paintings. It can be seen that after his graduation, "the art has made great progress, the shape is vivid and the pen and ink are smooth, and the writing power is quite strong." (Gu Shengyue, a professor at China Academy of Fine Arts) Camel Bell, the cover, is a work with excellent shape and pen and ink. (Liu Xilin, National Art Museum of China) From the collection of paintings, we can also see the artistic features of overseas culture influenced by academic ink painting and widely adopted.


After thousands of years of evolution, Chinese traditional ink painting is extremely mysterious and brilliant. Pure white paper and black ink, through the halo of water, get the message with the painter, and the ink and wash charm is far away and the changes are colorful. The whole creative process of ink painting is full of suspense, which is the difficulty and charm of ink painting.

吴山明(中国美术学院教授、 博士生导师, 中国国家画院院委、国画院副院长)

Wu Shanming (Professor of China Academy of Art, Doctoral Supervisor, National Academy of Painting, Vice President of Chinese Painting Academy)

黄羡的人物画突破了以往写意人物造型周正、笔墨温雅的樊篱,走出了样态式的僵化与不痛不痒的自我陶醉。他笔下的人物姿态,每一-种表情,每- -种眼神、某- -种特征都生意盎然,这与他对生活的热爱,对艺术的钟情是分不开的,采风与写生己成为他生活的一部分,他跋涉万里,感受感受自然与人文之美並将这种美以自己独特的艺术语言呈现出来。他的创作真切而感人,让我们在一片"阳光灿烂"的中国画创作海洋中發现一颗静静诉说着生命之美丽、之沉重、之无奈的珍珠。无论是無言的少女、沧桑的老人、坚勒的汉子还是稚气的孩童,甚至是灵的犛牛、马匹,无不饱含着- -种无比强大的生命的力量,它超越了地域,跨越了现实,抵达人类共有的精神家园。我一-直 觉得,黄羡的作品是生活之树开出的艺术之果。

Huang Xian's figure paintings broke through the barriers of Zhou Zheng's freehand figure modeling and Wen Ya's pen and ink in the past, and walked out of the rigid and painless self-indulgence. His characters' postures, expressions, eyes and characteristics are full of business, which is inseparable from his love for life and art. Collecting scenery and sketching has become a part of his life. He has traveled thousands of miles to feel the beauty of nature and humanity and present this beauty in his own unique artistic language. His creation is real and touching, so that we can find a pearl quietly telling the beauty, heaviness and helplessness of life in a sea of "sunny" Chinese painting creation. No matter whether it is a silent girl, a vicissitudes old man, a tough man or a childlike child, or even a spiritual colt or horse, it is full of an incomparably powerful force of life, which transcends the region and the reality and reaches the spiritual home shared by mankind. I have always felt that Huang Xian's works are the artistic fruits of the tree of life.


Lin Gongxiang (Editor-in-Chief of Fujian Youth Magazine, Executive Deputy Director and Secretary General of Theoretical Academic Committee of Fujian Artists Association)

















