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据全国哲学社会科学工作办公室消息(林采丽),国家社科基金中华学术外译立项项目《孙中山传》(A BIOGRAPHY OF SUN YAT-SEN)英语版(ISBN:9781631816789)近期由美国学术出版社American Academic Press在北美公开出版发行。




该书目前由国外权威出版机构美国学术出版社(American Academic Press)正式出版发行。这是美国学术出版社继出版国家社科基金中华学术外译项目《中国方言与文化》(ISBN:9781631818844),《中国传统译论经典诠释——从道安到傅雷》(ISBN:9781631819148) ,《经济增长与结构演进:中国新时期以来的经验》(ISBN:9781631816161),《中国绘画思想史》(ISBN:9781631816512),《匈奴通史》(ISBN:9781631816727)《明代书坊与小说研究》(ISBN:9781631816567)以及教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目《中国经典古诗词精选100首英译》(ISBN:9781631819315),经典中国国际出版工程《郁达夫旧诗英译》(ISBN:9781631815133)等作品后的有一部力作。该书出版后,在美国、加拿大、墨西哥等国公开发行,谷歌,亚马逊等主流媒体均有销售。多年来,美国学术出版社一直是中国国家社会科学基金中华学术外译项目《国外出版机构指导性目录》中指定的美国出版社。中华学术外译项目是国家社科基金项目的主要类别之一,主要资助代表中国学术水准、体现中华文化精髓、反映中国学术前沿的学术精品以外文形式在国外权威出版机构出版、并进入国外主流发行传播渠道,旨在深化中外学术交流与对话,增进世界了解中国和中国学术,增强中国学术国际影响力和国际话语权,不断提升国家文化软实力。





美国学术出版社(American Academic Press)是美国一所独立的学术性出版社,出版社出版反映自然科学、社会科学,具有学术价值的专著、专题论文、修改后的硕博士论文、原创性资料、教材以及小说、诗歌等文学作品。还出版多种学术性的专业期刊。美国学术出版社(American Academic Press)致力于出版国际学术界顶级作品和研究。除了主要出版用英语撰写的著作之外,还出版用中文、西班牙语、法语、西班牙语等语言撰写的具有很高学术价值的著作。美国学术出版社在美国犹他州、佛罗里达州、马萨诸塞州、加利福尼亚州、纽约州以及加拿大等地均有出版社工作点。美国学术出版社(American Academic Press)已经成为中华文化海外传播平台。根据全国哲学社会科学规划办公室和中国网的消息,国外权威出版机构美国学术出版社(American Academic Press)连续6年被国家社科基金列入国外出版机构指导目录。中国国家社会科学基金中华学术外译项目和美国学术出版社(American Academic Press)2014年到目前共合作27项项目。



Introduction A Great Pioneer for the Democratic Revolution and a Forerunner of Modern China

Part 1 In Difficulties and Setbacks, the More Frustrated, the More Encouraged

An Overview Progressive and Hard Life of a Revolutionary

I. “Gradually, I Came to Realize that I Had to Change My Strategy from Peace to Violence”

II. Devoted but Powerless to Defend the Republic

III. Going with the Trend of the World and Meeting the Needs of the People

Chapter One A Young Man Aspired with Patriotism and the Spirit of Reform

I. Son of a Poor Peasant’s Family

II. From the Countryside to the Overseas World

III. Seeking a Way to Save the Country and the People

IV. First Setback in His Political Career: Going North to Submit His Petition to Li Hongzhang

Chapter Two Setting Foot on the Road of Democratic Revolution

I. Establishment of the Revive China Society: To Remove the Evil Government with Forceful Measures

II. Guangzhou Uprising in 1895: The First Step to a Republic in China

III. An Exile on Foreign Land: Hard Times in London and His Further Pursuit

IV. Inspiring Huizhou Uprising

V. Embracing the Dawn of the New Century

Chapter Three Striving for an Independent, Democratic and Prosperous Republic

I. Formulation of the Three Principles of the People, a Program for Democratic Revolution and Modernization

II. Establishment of the Chinese Revolutionary League

III. Ongoing Armed Struggle Against the Qing Dynasty

IV. Difficulties in Creating the Republican System

Chapter Four Difficulties in Defending the Republican System

I. From a Social Revolution to the Second Revolution

II. Founding of the Chinese Revolutionary Party and the Anti-Yuan Struggle

III. Two Movements of Defending the Republic: Unable to Save the Desperate Situation

IV. The More Frustrated, the More Encouraged

Chapter Five Known Also as a Thoroughgoing Revolutionary Movement

I. Keeping Up with the Times: The New Stage of the Three Principles of the People and the Three Great Policies

II. Joint Efforts of the Chinese Nationalist Party and the Communist Party of China for a United Front

III. Opening of the First National Convention of the Chinese Nationalist Party

IV. Surging Tide of the Great Revolution

V. Establishment of the Whampoa Army

VI. Recovering the Tariff Revenue Collected by the Guangdong Customs and Suppressing the Guangzhou Merchant Corps Rebellion

VII. Marching Northward: Keeping on Struggling till the Last Breath

Part 2 Sun Yat-sen’s Theories: A Theoretical Guideline for Constructing Modern China

Introduction Cultural Orientation of Sun Yat-sen’s Theories

I. Learning from European Theories and Opposing Total Subservience to Foreign Things and Blind Compliance

II. Carrying on the Fine Traditional Thoughts and Eliminating the Thousand-year Long “Despotic Poison”

III. “Creations Based on My Original Ideas”

Chapter Six Theories, Programs and Blueprints for Chinese Modernization

I. Premise for Modernization: Shake Off the Twin shackles of Colonialism and Feudalism

II. Industrialization: An Important Part of Modernization

III. Democratic Politics: A Lever to Advance Modernization

IV. Innovation and Progress of Science, Education and Culture: Necessary Conditions for Modernization

V. Reform and Opening Up: Themes of Modernization

Chapter Seven Nationalism

I. Nationalism in the Old Democratic Revolution

II. A New Stage of Nationalism

III. Some Important Issues Regarding Nationalism

Chapter Eight Democratism

I. Democratism in the Old Democratic Revolution

II. A New Stage in the Development of Democratism

III. Equality and Liberty

IV. Blueprint for the Form of Government

Chapter Nine Thoughts on the Principle of People’s Livelihood

I. Principle of People’s Livelihood in the Old Democratic Revolution

II. A New Stage in the Development of the Principle of People’s Livelihood

III. Several Important Points of the Principle of People’s Livelihood

Chapter Ten New Three Principles of the People and the Three Great Policies

I. Nationalism in the New Three Principles of the People

II. Democratism in the New Three Principles of the People

III. Principle of People’s Livelihood in the New Three Principles of the People

IV. Formulation of the Three Great Policies and Their Significance

Chapter Eleven Philosophical Foundation of the Three Principles of the People

I. Universal Notion of Evolution and Development

II. View of Nature Based on Modern Natural Sciences

III. Materialist Epistemology

IV. Socio-historical Viewpoint of People’s Livelihood

Main Events and Activities of Sun Yat-sen





