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大笔书盛世 翰墨展风华 中国当代艺术名家——何济乔


He Jiqiao, a native of Huzhou, Zhejiang Province, was born in 1965. He is a national first-class book master. He is currently the director of the National External Relations Department of China Internet Union, a member of the calligrapher's association of the central state organ, a director of the New Literature and Art Working Committee of China Calligraphy and Painting Association, a member of the Chinese Couplet Association, the honorary president of Huangshan Baihua Book and Painting Institute, the chairman of Zhejiang Jiguo Culture and Art Co., Ltd., and the owner ofNo. Ning Lu Zhai. His calligraphy and painting works are thin and vigorous in shape, soft and smooth in connotation, fresh and elegant, and elegant in appearance. He Jiqiao love calligraphy and painting literature since childhood, in 1983 when studying in tianjin by zhejiang by professor Du Guosheng teacher recommended worship in Mr Qigong door, Mr Qigong hand personally, decades of hard calligraphy and painting, designed to learn QiShi, through Wang xizhi, Mi Fei, Huang tingjian, Zhao Mengfu and other famous, achieve mastery through a comprehensive study, and always follow the Qigong teacher's teachings, indifferent mingzhi, swim in the art of calligraphy and painting sea alone, fast but self-sufficient.


何济乔作品多次在全国书画大赛中获奖,多次入选全国性大型展览,文化中国为其出版“向祖国致敬--何济乔作品集” 公开发行, 今日头条、腾讯新闻、百度、翰墨书画、快资讯等十多家全国主流媒体全平台多方位报道展播。2020年12月何济乔应邀《以大美之艺 创传世之作》在多家国内一线新闻媒体联合报道!何济乔作品被《中国书画家报》、《新文艺》、《名家收藏 》等报刋杂志整版刋登发表,作品入选“艺坛经典、传世名家” CCTV精品台历,并被邀参加CCTV中国艺术家春节联欢晚会,作品入选”中国文化进万家”精品日历(年鉴)并被受与荣誉证书 和奖牌,作品以”国礼”被阿拉伯二十国大使团团长穆大使、刚果女王王维丽收藏,何济乔所书“紫气东来” 被北京百瑞谷景区携刻成石碑,流芳后世,近万幅作品为各大寺庙、名胜古迹、宾馆、家居装饰所用,留传民间。何济乔还是资深收藏家,收藏不少近现代名家大师吴昌硕、黄宾虹、张大千、齐白石、林风眠、陆俨少、徐悲鸿、潘天寿、傅抱石、弘一、沈尹默、沙孟海、启功、舒同等字画真迹及大量古瓷器、玉器、黄花梨家俱等古玩珍品。

He Jiqiao's works have won many awards in the national painting and calligraphy competition and been selected for many national large-scale exhibitions. Cultural China published "Hail to the Motherland-His Works Collection" for public distribution. Today's headlines, Tencent News, Baidu, calligraphy and painting, Fast Information and more than ten other mainstream media across the country performed multi-faceted coverage and broadcast. In December 2020, he jiqiao was invited to "create a masterpiece with great beauty" for joint coverage in several domestic first-line news media. He Jiqiao's works were published in full-length editions of newspapers and magazines such as China Calligrapher's Newspaper, New Literature and Art, and Collection of Famous Artists. His works were selected into the CCTV Top-quality Taiwan Calendar of "Classic Artists and Famous Artists from Past Ages", and invited to the CCTV Spring Festival Gala for Chinese Artists. His works were selected into the Top-quality Calendar (Yearbook) of "Chinese Culture Entering Ten Thousand Families" and received honorary certificates and medals. The work "Guoli" was collected by Ambassador Mu, head of the Arab 20 National Congress Mission, and Queen of Congo Wang Weili. The book "Ziqi Donglai" written by He Jiqiao was carved into stone tablets by Beijing's Bairui Valley Scenic Area, which will be remembered by later generations. Nearly 10,000 works are used in major temples, places of historic interest, hotels, and home decorations and are passed on to the public. He Jiqiao is also a senior collector, who collects many modern masters such as Wu Changshuo, Huang Binhong, Zhang Daqian, Qi Baishi, Lin Fengmian, Lu Yanshao, Xu Beihong, Pan Tianshou, Fu Baoshi, Hongyi, Shen Yinmo, Sha Menghai, Qigong, and Shu as well as a large number of antique treasures such as ancient porcelain, jade and Huanghua pear furniture.



From Song and Yuan Dynasties to Ming and Qing Dynasties, the cultural expression of literati painting and calligraphy became more and more abundant, and literati painting and calligraphy became the mainstream way of cultural inheritance. Su Huangmi Cai, Zhao Ziang, Huang Gongwang, Wumen Four Family and Yangzhou Eight Monsters followed each other, and they used literati works to construct the oriental aesthetic pattern, which is the mainstay of Chinese art history. He Jiqiao prospered in response to literature, and Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism blended harmoniously. Therefore, his paintings and calligraphy also devoted themselves to the cultivation of literati and lit up the cultural pattern of painting and calligraphy.



His calligraphy training is far from Wang Xizhi, Mi Fei, Huang Tingjian, Zhao Mengfu, etc., constantly shaping his personality knowledge as the leading role of pen and ink, and helping the Tao with skills. Taking Mr. Qi Gong as a teacher, after oral instruction, learning books and practicing in Xiu De, he established a relatively complete language system of literati's pen and ink. He has the realm experience and moral symmetry of creating literati calligraphy, and can express the cultural essence of calligraphy art with the help of mature pen and ink movement. His calligraphy is thin, vigorous, graceful, fresh, elegant and colorful! By reading his calligraphy, we can know the lofty aspirations of life and the attitude of cultural inheritance. Emotions from life itself become calligraphy or refined Wen Ya, or humble, or generous and elegant spiritual beauty!



His paintings attach importance to the pen used by the center, emphasize the exquisiteness of rotation, and create landscapes, flowers and birds to light up the cultural pattern with literati cultivation. Every time you make a thread, you can write fine but not fine, or you can write calmly and make it rough but not rough. Literati painting, according to Qi, storing pen power, ink and color charm, skilled in the six methods, taking vivid charm as the soul, using pictograms as the body, seeking rigor according to the rules, and painting the spirit beyond the rules, must first have the view of silence and high purity in the common chest of mountains and rivers, and then take the cultural impression of being quiet and naive. Clouds and smoke are bright and beautiful, green and blue, mountains are painted and poems are painted! Flower-and-bird works have the interest of playing with ink, and also have the theory of Zen. They are painted to suit one's needs, and they are well versed in writing and writing. Great freehand brushwork is also like catching things in front of one's eyes, and painting is wonderful and popular. Pen and ink have poetic charm, the method of literati, and the wonderful work is of great interest!
















